Why Laura Vandervoort Left Smallville After Only One Season As Supergirl

  • Laura Vandervoort played Supergirl in Smallville for season 7 before leaving the series, raising questions about why the character's story was so short.
  • Vandervoort reprized the role for some guest appearances, but never returned to the main cast.
  • Supergirl's Smallville story may have been impacted by the original Smallville show creators leaving the series after season 7.
Laura Vandervoort featured as Supergirl in Smallville in season 7 before leaving the DC series, raising questions for audiences regarding why her time on the show was so short. Vandervoort fit the role of Supergirl perfectly, and the character's story in the series was engaging, even though it did feature in one of the lowest rated seasons of Smallville. However, when Smallville moved to Metropolis in season 8, Vandervoort did not return as a series regular in it.
With various live-action versions of Supergirl having been seen in recent years, including Supergirl in the Arrowverse and the appearance of a darker, embittered iteration of the character in The Flash, understanding the relationships that performers had to these roles becomes important. Taking a more classic look at Superman's cousin, Laura Vandervoort embodied Kara's character as she was inserted into the later seasons. Still, her limited appearance in the Smallville cast left many with unanswered questions, as the hero's considerable potential was condensed into a handful of episodes.


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