
日前兩名中國女子從虐待者手上拯救了無助的小狗,從上傳到臉書的影片可以看到,男子綁住了小狗的腳,似乎打算虐待或殺他。穿著紅色衣服的女子發現男子後,要求他馬上把綁在狗狗上的東西脫下來,並質問他「你綁他幹嘛?」當男子回說「就綁著玩」的時候,紅色女子馬上生氣得一巴掌打在他臉上。 影片被上傳到臉書後吸引超過120萬次觀看數,網友看到後都紛紛大讚兩名女子的行為,「中國也有好人的!更多人需要像她一樣站出來,做得好!」CHINA: I LOVE THIS WOMAN! SHE RIPS INTO THE ANIMAL ABUSER. This lady is a great example for ALL of us! She seized the helpless puppy, then tore into the abuser with a vengeance. I believe the man intended to kill the puppy, because he’d already tied and trussed both it’s hind legs. And he got a smack in the face from the woman for his trouble. I’d like to give this lady a hug. Go lady go!!! Michele Brown www.FightDogMeat.com [email protected]Posted by Fight Dog Meat on 2017年3月16日來源:Nextshark狗狗被拯救真的是太好了!喜歡這篇文章嗎?立刻分享出去~


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