5歹徒闖德州民宅!慘被屋主轟到3死2傷 網傻眼:德州人你也敢搶

The body of a man who was shot to death lies covered on the street after investigators sealed off the crime scene in Guatemala City, early Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015. On Wednesday night, gang members simultaneously attacked a couple of police and police stations, leaving several people dead and wounded, according to Elmer Sosa, Vice Interior Minister. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo) 閱讀全文
The body of a man who was shot to death lies covered on the street after investigators sealed off the crime scene in Guatemala City, early Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015. On Wednesday night, gang members simultaneously attacked a couple of police and police stations, leaving several people dead and wounded, according to Elmer Sosa, Vice Interior Minister. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)5歹徒闖德州民宅!慘被屋主轟到3死2傷 網傻眼:德州人你也敢搶
竟然敢惹德州人!美國德州(State of Texas)因為槍枝氾濫,許多人都會在家存槍自保,19日就有5名歹徒凌晨闖入當地民宅行搶,結果被屋主1打5狂轟反制,最後歹徒3人被擊斃、2人中彈受傷,屋主則是毫髮無傷。
根據美國《KPRC Click2Houston》報導,5名歹徒19日凌晨持槍、載上滑雪面具,闖入休士頓一間住宅試圖搶劫,屋主發現後立刻拿出槍枝開火反擊,雙方在屋內、屋外展開激烈交火,最後歹徒則不敵屋主火力撤退逃跑。


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