Black Panther 2's Disney+ Spin-off Gets Disappointing Release Update

As the MCU prepares to move into Phase 5, a new update on Black Panther: Wakanda Forever spin-off Ironheart brings disappointment for many fans ahead of its Disney+ debut.
Ironheart is quickly rising up the list of anticipated new MCU projects for fans after Dominique Thorne made her long-awaited debut in 2022’s Black Panther 2. But while the new series was confirmed for a 2023 release slot as recently as early February, there is some concern growing behind the scenes that this timeframe may not be final.
After Phase 4 brought the biggest round of new content in MCU history in terms of quantity, reports have noted that Disney is looking to change its release model moving forward. 
To do this, multiple projects are facing delays and reschedulings in order for the company to prioritize quality over quantity after reviews and reception suffered in 2021 and 2022.
Ironheart Unlikely for 2023 Release MarvelThe Hollywood Reporter revealed that the MCU"s Disney+ series, Ironheart, is unlikely to debut in 2023, with the studio looking to spread out its content releases in the near future.
This comes as part of an overall strategic shift to pull back on costs and general output for the MCU, with one insider noting that there will be a close eye on Marvel Studios and other major studios under Disney"s watch. 
This is in an effort to make sure that these shows are of high enough quality and earn the viewing numbers that Disney+ is looking for in each of their high-budget releases.
This story is developing. Check back for updates!


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