Star Wars Characters That Deserve Their Own Game

There are some Star Wars characters that are so awesome they deserve their own video game. Star Wars has shown time and again that it had carry many different genres of games, from action-packed FPS adventures and story-rich RPGs to real-time strategy and racing games. Some Star Wars games have even introduced new characters in the galaxy far, far away that have gone on to become beloved fan favorites.
Star Wars is a universe packed full of interesting and exciting characters, many of whom could carry their own video game with ease. There have been some brilliant characters who would benefit from their own games to either further their story or fill in much-needed backstories. While the game series Star Wars: Jedi tells Cal Kestis' story and the Star Wars: Jedi Knight series told Kyle Katarn's in Legends, there are plenty of other characters who would also benefit from similar treatment in their own games.
10 Hondo Ohnaka The Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka might seem a strange place to start, but Hondo is an example of a character that started as a one-time villain and turned into a huge fan favorite. Hondo first appeared in The Clone Wars animated series when he and his pirate crew captured Count Dooku. However, fans responded well to his strange sense of humor and unashamedly greedy ways, meaning he was brought back time and again throughout the series before properly returning in Star Wars Rebels.
Hondo has a surprisingly rich backstory, and he had his own pirate crews at different points throughout Star Wars history, making him a great choice for a game packed with comedic elements. Players could join Hondo on his adventures during the Clone Wars as he dodges Jedi trying to stop his schemes in a more stealth-based game. Another great idea would be Hondo trying to rebuild after the rise of the Empire in a chaotic Grand Theft Auto type of gameplay.
9 Poe Dameron Oscar Isaac's Poe Dameron was one of the highlights of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The charismatic and confident pilot showed his skills and his heart time and again as he faced off against the First Order. However, while being one of the movie's main characters, very few details about his backstory were revealed during the trilogy, something which a game could fix easily.


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