Star Trek: Every Known Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition (& When They"re Revealed)

The Ferengi are one of Star Trek's most interesting alien species, and their culture, including their Rules of Acquisition, has been fleshed across the franchise's TV shows and beyond. Though they debuted in Star Trek: The Next Generation as strange villains, the Ferengi were later an integral part of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, as viewers were given a chance to learn more about their culture through such characters as Quark and Rom. Even if they were abrasive to many of the Starfleet officers on the station, the Rules of Acquisition were important to each and every Ferengi, and they colored the way that they lived their lives.
Cultural differences make up the heart of Star Trek's ideals of the future, and the Ferengi have often offered the biggest challenge to those who were not of their species. The best Ferengi episodes of Star Trek usually showed both sides of their interesting culture, and they were capable of immense joy despite their seeming obsession with profit. The Rules of Acquisition were a strict code, but it didn't always limit Ferengi characters to act a certain way. Subversion was also an aspect of Star Trek, and the Ferengi frequently subverted the expectations that were placed on them. Here's all of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition revealed across Star Trek media...


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