Turns Out Han Solo Was Right: Lightsabers Are No Match For Blasters, And This Star Wars Detail Proves It

  • Lightsabers are effective in close combat but vulnerable to blaster bolts from a distance, making blasters a useful long-range counter.
  • Blasters in Star Wars are plasma-based weapons that seemingly never run out of ammo, making them convenient and cheaper to produce.
  • Slugthrowers, which shoot physical bullets, can be dangerous to lightsaber users as the molten metal from the slug can cause serious injury if not deflected perfectly.
One of the oldest debates in Star Wars is whether lightsabers are more powerful than blasters. On the one hand, Han Solo firmly believes there’s nothing better than a good blaster at one’s side, whereas Obi-Wan Kenobi calls them uncivilized. Both weapons have their merits. Lightsabers are fantastic for close combat, with wielders being able to slash blasters and their opponents to pieces. However, even the most skilled lightsaber wielder can be felled by a single blaster bolt from a distance, making blasters the perfect long-range counter for the lightsaber. Nevertheless, there is one aspect to the blaster that triumphs over lightsabers.
To understand why Han Solo is right, it’s important to know how blasters work in Star Wars. Unlike guns in real life, blasters are plasma-based weapons that fire ionized gas. This is why they seemingly never run out of ammo in the movies and tv shows, since one gas cartridge can provide hundreds of shots. Nevertheless, many lightsaber users are adept enough to deflect and even reflect blaster bolts back at the shooter, making it dangerous to even try to shoot someone wielding a lightsaber. But there is one variant of the blaster that is almost guaranteed to hit its target.


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