Loki Secretly Set Up Its Big Finale Twist 1.5 Years Ago

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Loki season 2
  • Loki's ascension to become a living conduit for the multiverse's branching timelines pays off a tease introduced in Season 1.
  • The consistent use of TVA terminology such as "branches" and "pruning" now possesses a deeper meaning as the multiverse shapes itself as Yggdrasil the World Tree.
  • The inclusion of Yggdrasil imagery in the finale is fitting, as it represents Loki's journey, his struggle to find his place, and his acceptance of his identity as an Asgardian.
The Loki season 2 finale is packed with several of the mind-bending twists and turns the MCU's premiere Disney+ TV show has become known for, but the biggest reveal has roots going back a year and a half. After a lifetime yearning for a throne, the Loki season 2, episode 6 finale finally gives one to the Asgardian prince. To circumvent He Who Remains' seemingly infallible plan to remain in power, Loki allows the TVA's Temporal Loom to be destroyed and instead ascends to become a living conduit for the multiverse's endlessly splitting branches. Doing so pays off a subtle tease introduced back in Loki season 1.
When Loki truly becomes the God of Stories and steps up to protect and nurture the multiverse, the visual depiction of its many timelines dramatically changes. While the loom was fittingly accompanied by imagery of weaving, the branching timelines stemming from Loki's throne beautifully recreate Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse mythology. While the transformation is surprising, it perfectly fits how the TVA has addressed timelines and the MCU multiverse from the beginning.


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