10 Ways The Marvels Is Better Than Captain Marvel

  • The Marvels introduces a new team dynamic for Captain Marvel, with Ms. Marvel and Monica Rambeau playing integral roles in her growth and character development.
  • The film explores the complex relationship between Carol and Monica, showcasing their growth and reconciliation after years of separation.
  • The Marvels strikes a balance between serious moments and lightheartedness, with well-executed comedic scenes that provide relief and enhance the overall viewing experience.
Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Marvels.The Marvels takes the best parts of its predecessor and improves on it in many ways. The anticipated sequel to 2019’s Captain Marvel follows Carol Danvers on a mission in the current day MCU. The Marvels features a different tone than the original film, which contributes greatly to Captain Marvel’s growth in her second solo film in the MCU timeline.
Although Captain Marvel was a box office success, it has received its fair share of criticisms since its release, dividing audiences on aspects of its plot and characterization. Audiences have been especially critical of The Marvels in part because of this, with a number of negative reviews of The Marvels coming out since its release, but the sequel’s bright spots are evident. From individual character growth to the overall stakes in the greater MCU, The Marvels successfully nails several elements that were lacking in Captain Marvel.


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