Andy Samberg Announces His Marvel Debut In 2023 Movie | The Direct

Actor Andy Samberg, of Brooklyn 99 and Saturday Night Live fame, took to social media to reveal a role in an upcoming 2023 Marvel film.
Andy Samberg To Have Part in Spider-Verse 2The Lonely Island comedy trio"s official Instagram account posted a story revealing that two of the group’s members, Andy Samberg and Jorma Taccone, will play a role in Sony’s Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.
Check out their announcement below:
The Lonely IslandThe caption reads “Jorm and Andy are "in" this!!” Curiously, “in” has quotation remarks around it, perhaps implying that there’s a twist to whatever involvement Samberg and Maccone have in the film. 
This story is developing. Check back for updates!


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