Rey"s New Jedi Order Movie Will Show The Jedi Like Never Before

Star Wars has the opportunity to portray the Jedi like never before in Rey's New Jedi Order movie thanks to the lessened power of the dark side. Palpatine's dark side influence permeated the Skywalker saga in all three Star Wars trilogies, and his defeat means that his granddaughter can take the Jedi to new heights. The New Jedi Order can be just as strong as the old while making itself stand apart, creating the kind of Star Wars movie that the franchise has always been missing.
The Jedi Order has grown and evolved throughout the Star Wars timeline, both in canon and Legends, and now the story of Rey's New Jedi Order movie can show this on the big screen. From the ancient Je'Daii Order to the Legacy era Jedi, the Legends continuity had several kinds of Jedi Orders with different philosophies and power levels. More recently, the High Republic era in canon has shown the Jedi at the height of their power 200 years before Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. New stories provide new opportunities for the Jedi, and Rey's New Jedi Order movie can show the Jedi in a completely new way.
The Dark Side Limits The Power Of A Jedi The Star Wars prequel trilogy showed that the Jedi became weakened as the power of the dark side clouded their vision. Mace Windu himself believed that the Jedi Council should tell the Republic Senate of their diminished ability to use the Force, but Yoda felt that this would create more adversaries for the Jedi Order. The Jedi certainly demonstrated physical power during the war, but over time the conflict increased the dark side's power, blinding the Jedi to the threat growing within the Republic. After Palpatine issued Order 66, there was no Jedi Order left to defend the light, and the Empire could spread its dark influence without any opposition.
Rey's New Jedi Order Is The First Star Wars Movie Not Overshadowed By The Dark Side The shadow of the dark side continued to spread throughout the original trilogy, but the balance was restored when Anakin Skywalker destroyed Palpatine and the Rebel Alliance triumphed at the Battle of Endor. While there was balance for many years thanks to the efforts of Luke Skywalker, Palpatine found a way to survive, taking advantage of the remaining Imperial factions to plan the eventual return of the Sith. By the time of the sequel trilogy, Luke's Jedi order had been destroyed, Ben Solo had turned to the dark side, and the First Order had grown strong enough to destroy the New Republic and seize military control of the galaxy.
However, with Palpatine finally defeated, Rey's New Jedi Order movie will be the first Star Wars film not overshadowed by the dark side. The Jedi and the Republic have a chance to start fresh and correct past mistakes, allowing the light side to shine without the dark side throwing the Force out of balance. This gives the different Star Wars eras their own narrative purpose: the prequel era and the dark times are the rise of the dark side, the original and sequel eras are the return of the light, and the New Jedi Order era is the full ascension of the light to bring about a new age.


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