Sony"s Kraven Seriously Just Stole Another Supervillain"s Origin From DC?!

Sony's Kraven The Hunter trailer has prompted questioning regarding whether the character has stolen a DC supervillain backstory. The release of the new Kraven The Hunter trailer has naturally prompted a lot of online discussion, both because it's Sony's newest live-action superhero movie since the infamous Morbius, and because Sergei Dimitri Symostivych Kravinoff is a larger than life figure who is inherently interesting to see being adapted into a live-action format.
However, discussion surrounding the movie also involved a measure of confusion regarding the comic changes that Sony's Kraven The Hunter appears to have made. The film seemingly entirely changes Kravinoff's backstory, replacing it with a streamlined modern take for cinema audiences. That said, this likely wouldn't have garnered as much response as it has if it weren't for the fact that these changes appear to very strongly take from an existing DC villain origin story, based on what the Kraven The Hunter trailer reveals with its footage.
Kraven The Hunter's New Sony Backstory Mirrors A DC Supervillain Many reactions to Sony's Kraven The Hunter trailer compared his new backstory to that of DC supervillain Catman's backstory - including Gail Simone, who popularized the character in the modern day when writing the Secret Six comics. In the comics, Thomas Blake is taken hunting by his father, who then psychologically tortures him when the young boy is unable to shoot a lion, telling him he is "just like your mom," in response. The Kraven The Hunter trailer bares a striking resemblance to this scene, as a young Kraven similarly is shown hunting with his father and then unable to shoot a lion, and is then also called "weak like your mother," by his father as a result.
Why Sony Changed Kraven The Hunter's Comic Backstory In the comics, Kraven the Hunter is born many years before the timeline that appears to be set out for his Sony movie counterpart, instead growing up during the Russian Revolution, and gaining his superpowers after drinking a potion made by Marvel Comics' Calypso on one of his hunting excursions. As such, it makes sense for the live-action Kraven the Hunter changes to involve altering the character's backstory, for several reasons. Firstly, it's clear the Sony movie intends to provide a version of the character who grew up in modern times, based on the scenes during Kraven's childhood showing him in a modern car and using a relatively new gun, so the comic backstory doesn't work from that perspective.
Similarly, changing how Kraven became a hunter and also how he gained his powers makes sense as a form of simplifying the plot down and avoiding having to introduce and explain Calypso's own lore. With the movie looking to seemingly lay out its own largely self-contained story, focusing on other figures and their own lore presents a risk that isn't worth taking, especially while Sony is still in the precarious situation of course correcting from the less-than-stellar reactions to Morbius.


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