- The Star Wars franchise, despite its popularity, is not immune to plot holes due to its expansive and fantastical nature.
- The Disney era of Star Wars introduced even more plot holes through changing contexts, ignoring established plot points, and leaving unresolved mysteries.
- The 15 most significant plot holes in Star Wars serve as a lesson for future filmmakers in shaping the canon, highlighting contradictions and unanswered questions in the saga.
Star Wars remains a celebrated sci-fi franchise after over 40 years, but no long-running film series is immune to plot holes. Fantasy stories are especially susceptible to plot holes, tackling massive storylines and larger-than-life worlds full of unreal technology and mysterious power. George Lucas was always an ambitious storyteller while crafting new entries in the saga, but this led to many confusing contradictions and unanswered questions.
The Disney era of Star Wars
created even more plot holes, simultaneously expanding the timeline before and after the original trilogy. Whether it was prequel films changing the context of previous movies, sequels ignoring established plot points, or mysteries that were never resolved, several aspects of Star Wars no longer make sense. 15 Star Wars plot holes stand out the most and serve as a lesson for future filmmakers who will continue to shape the canon.