Loki Can Finally Give The Avengers A Game-Changing Tool They Weren"t Allowed To Use Against Thanos

Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Loki season 2, episode 1
  • Loki's time-slipping ability breaks the rules of time-travel established in Avengers: Endgame, allowing the past to affect the future.
  • This new power could be crucial in upcoming crossover films like Avengers: The Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars, giving the Avengers an advantage against Kang.
  • However, there are still problems with Loki's time-slipping, including the lack of control, the potential harm to Loki, and the possibility that Kang can also time-slip.
Loki (Tom Hiddleston) can finally give the Avengers a game-changing tool in the MCU they were unable to use against Thanos in Avengers: Endgame. Although the Avengers were able to travel through time, there were some critical rules and restrictions that made their mission more complex. However, the rules of time-travel are seemingly changing thanks to the God of Mischief as seen in Loki season 2.
In Loki season 2, episode 1, the titular God of Mischief returned from the Citadel at the End of Time only to find that he'd come back to the TVA in the distant past before he was violently jumped back to the known present. As such, Loki season 2's premiere revealed that Loki is suffering from "time-slipping", a violent temporal affliction where his body is involuntarily jumped between the past, present, and future. However, the new MCU show has already shown how useful Loki's time-slipping could truly be.


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