Star Wars Theory Introduces A Third New Galaxy & Sets Up Intergalactic Adventures

  • The upcoming Star Wars series "Skeleton Crew" could introduce another galaxy, expanding the franchise's intergalactic travel narrative.
  • The show's synopsis suggests that the main characters may come from a different galaxy, finding themselves stranded in the known Star Wars galaxy, interacting with unfamiliar concepts such as the Jedi and New Republic.
  • In order to achieve intergalactic travel, new methods beyond star whales and hyperspace rings may be introduced, potentially reintroducing the concept of Infinity Gates from Star Wars Legends. This would open up greater possibilities for intergalactic adventures in the franchise.
A new Star Wars theory sets up the introduction of another galaxy in the near future with the franchise fully embracing intergalactic travel. As seen in Ahsoka, travel between galaxies was introduced with the world of Peridea, the world in which Grand Admiral Thrawn and Jedi Ezra Bridger were exiled for nearly a decade. However, Star Wars could be going even further with Skeleton Crew, the next Star Wars show which is set to star actor Jude Law as a primary protagonist during the New Republic era.
Recently, a synopsis for the upcoming Skeleton Crew show teases the potential for another galaxy. Set for a tentative release at the end of 2023, this would mean that Skeleton Crew could follow Ahsoka's lead by featuring more extragalactic worlds existing outside the confines of the known Star Wars galaxy. To that end, it's also possible that new methods of intergalactic travel could be introduced as well, potentially even bringing back an old Legends concept into the established Star Wars canon.
Your browser does not support the video tag. Star Wars: Skeleton Crew's Kids Could Be From ANOTHER Galaxy The new description for the upcoming Skeleton Crew series coming to Disney+ from director Jon Watts is rather intriguing:
"In the first episode of the Skeleton Crew we are introduced to four kids who make a mysterious discovery on their seemingly safe home planet and get lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Finding their way home, meeting unlikely allies and enemies, will be a greater adventure than they ever imagined."

What's important to note is that this synopsis doesn't confirm these kids will be stranded in their own galaxy. Instead, it's possible that these kids could be coming from their home galaxy and find themselves stranded in the known Star Wars galaxy. As such, it stands to reason that they'll be interacting with foreign concepts such as the Jedi, Imperial Remnant, and New Republic (which are of course established and known to the audience).This falls in line with the Skeleton Crew footage that was shown at Star Wars Celebration 2023 where these kids are living on a world that seemingly resembles an Earth-like planet, only to be thrust into a new galaxy full of action and adventure with the help of Jude Law's as-of-yet unknown character (though he's rumored to be a former Jedi). After Ahsoka ventured out to another galaxy, the idea of extragalactic characters coming into the known galaxy is quite compelling.


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