8 Versions Of Captain America Steve Rogers We Want To See In Avengers 5 & 6

Several variants of Captain America could appear in the MCU during Phase 6's Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Avengers: Secret Wars. Chris Evans debuted as the MCU's Steve Rogers in 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger, with the film detailing his initial transformation into Captain America and battle against HYDRA and Red Skull. Evans went on to portray Rogers for eight years, passing on the mantle and shield to Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson in 2019's Avengers: Endgame. While Mackie is set to portray Wilson again in 2024's Captain America: Brave New World, there are still calls for Chris Evans to reprise his iconic role in the MCU's future.
The MCU's Multiverse Saga perhaps poses the biggest opportunity for past characters to reappear in the franchise, as the concept of infinite alternate realities means that there are many variants of the MCU's heroes out in the multiverse. This means that, despite his exit in Avengers: Endgame, Chris Evans could still reprise the role of Steve Rogers in the MCU's future, most likely in Phase 6's Avengers films. If Avengers: Secret Wars stays true to the 2015 storyline in Marvel Comics, universes are set to collide, and several variants of beloved MCU characters could appear, allowing Chris Evans to put different spins on the MCU's depiction of Captain America.
8 Hydra Stomper Marvel Studios' What If...? explored one reality in which Peggy Carter was given the super-soldier serum instead of Steve Rogers. This meant that, instead of transforming into the muscular Captain America, Steve Rogers remained the small and diffident kid from Brooklyn. However, Howard Stark designed a metal suit resembling his son's Iron Man creation, powered by the Tesseract, which allowed Rogers to battle alongside Captain Carter, being dubbed the HYDRA Stomper. Hayley Atwell already portrayed a live-action Captain Carter in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, so it's possible that the HYDRA Stomper could appear in live-action during the MCU's Phase 6, potentially with skinny Chris Evans inside.
7 Soldier Supreme Soldier Supreme was introduced to Marvel Comics in 2018's Infinity Wars #3, created from the merged souls of Steve Rogers and Stephen Strange, combined in the "Warp World" that was created by Gamora's use of the Infinity Stones. During WWII, Stephen Rogers volunteered to become one of Morgan Erskine's (a combination of Abraham Erskine and the Ancient One) super soldiers, with her super-soldier serum physically enhancing Rogers while giving him access to powerful sorcery. Soldier Supreme would be a brilliant addition to the MCU, especially since Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness only scratched the surface of the sorts of variants that could be residing in the multiverse.
6 Secret Empire Captain America Marvel Comics' Secret Empire storyline released in 2017, revealing Steve Rogers' Captain America to be an agent of HYDRA, leading to the world's heroes banding together to battle their former leader and friend. This storyline was hinted at during Avengers: Endgame, as Rogers pretended to be working with HYDRA during the Time Heist. It's possible that the version of Captain America from Secret Empire could show up in the MCU's future, especially now that Captain America 4's title has been changed. Brave New World was a tie-in comic to Secret Empire, so Phase 5's Captain America: Brave New World may use elements of this storyline with Sam Wilson's Captain America.
5 Zombie Captain America Similarly to the HYDRA Stomper, Phase 4's What If...? season 1 also introduced Marvel Studios' audiences to a universe infested with zombified versions of some iconic heroes, including Captain America. This reality will be visited again when Marvel Zombies releases on Disney+ in the MCU's future, which could potentially see the zombified Captain America return, despite his "death" in What If...?. During Marvel Comics' Secret Wars event in 2015, the zombies play a large role as they inhabit one of the fragmented areas of Battleworld, so it's possible that the zombies could be seen in live-action in Avengers: Secret Wars, which would give Chris Evans a small, but exciting, role.
4 Old Man Steve Rogers After retiring in the past with Peggy Carter in the past during Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers returned to the present day as an old man to pass the Captain America mantle and shield on to Sam Wilson. It's unclear what happened to the elderly Steve Rogers after this interaction, as he wasn't seen or heard from during Phase 4's The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, though it could be that he's still alive in the MCU. Should Chris Evans return as the elderly Steve Rogers in the MCU's future, even if he doesn't suit up as Captain America, this could still be a powerful moment of closure for the character.
3 Ultimate Captain America Marvel Comics' Ultimate Universe featured often-darker variants of Marvel's heroes, including a more violent and aggressive version of Captain America. The Ultimate Universe's Steve Rogers was quick to enter into fights, asking questions later, and was a version of Captain America who was actually superhuman, as opposed to the "peak human" status of the primary Steve Rogers. It would be a great juxtaposition to see Chris Evans return to the MCU in Phase 6 to portray this very different version of Steve Rogers. In the comics, it's Earth-1610 that collides with Earth-616 in an incursion during the Secret Wars event, so this could play out in the MCU's Phase 6.
2 Vampire Captain America Marvel Studios' What If...? has started to show off some interesting alternate realities, but there are still many more from Marvel Comics that haven't yet been adapted into the MCU. One in particular explores a world in which the Avengers are vampires, which could pose a terrifying role for Steve Rogers. Vampires were teased during the Phase 4 ahead of Phase 5's Blade reboot, which will bring Mahershala Ali into the MCU as vampire hunter Eric Brooks. Introducing vampire variants of the Avengers would be a great twist on this story and could allow Marvel Studios to lean further into the horror genre, as they started to in Werewolf by Night.
1 Classic MCU Steve Rogers The exploration of the multiverse in the MCU, and an increased emphasis on time travel antics following Avengers: Endgame's Time Heist, suggests that classic versions of the MCU's heroes could reappear in the future of the franchise. This means that Chris Evans could return to the MCU as the original Steve Rogers, only from an alternate reality strikingly similar to the main continuity. This would allow Steve Rogers' Captain America to stretch his legs once more in the MCU, allowing audiences to reminisce over his previous adventures while perhaps sharing some great moments with Anthony Mackie's new Captain America​​​​​​.
Key Release Dates
  • The Marvels Release Date: 2023-11-10
  • Captain America: Brave New World Release Date: 2024-07-26
  • Marvel's Thunderbolts Release Date: 2024-12-20
  • Blade (2025) Release Date: 2025-02-14
  • Deadpool 3 Release Date: 2024-05-03
  • Marvel's Fantastic Four Release Date: 2025-05-02
  • Avengers: The Kang Dynasty Release Date: 2026-05-01
  • Avengers: Secret Wars Release Date: 2027-05-01


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