Criticisms Of Lex Luthor"s Design In My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Are Wrong

  • Lex Luthor's design in My Adventures with Superman season 2 sets up a more impactful villain arc.
  • Lex's innocent appearance fits the child-friendly tone of the series despite initial criticism.
  • The drastic shift in Lex's character will be more dramatic and engaging due to his younger and innocent design.
My Adventures with Superman season 2 has unveiled its Lex Luthor design, and the criticism it is facing may prove to be unfounded. By the time of My Adventures with Superman season 1's ending, audiences were left waiting for a comic book-accurate version of Lex Luthor to appear. The show's first outing featured the character Alex, a version of Lex before his villainous turn. That said, My Adventures with Superman season 2's trailer highlighted Alex introducing himself as Lex.
Lex is shown speaking to Amanda Waller in the trailer, another villain from My Adventures with Superman season 1. This all teases that Alex will move much closer to becoming the Lex Luthor many are familiar with from DC Comics. Despite the excitement caused by this prediction for My Adventures with Superman season 2, some criticism has been aimed towards Lex Luthor's design. Based on the trajectory the show could take with his character, the divisive nature of Lex's design could prove to be wrong.


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