Tom Holland"s Spider-Man 4 Gets New Update From Sony Exec

  • Spider-Man 4 is described as a "significant event" by Sony executive Tom Rothman in a recent interview.
  • Rothman teases the future of Tom Holland in the Marvel Cinematic Universe without giving any spoilers.
  • The upcoming Spider-Verse movie with Phil Lord and Chris Miller is also expected to be a major event, according to Rothman.
One of the Sony executives gives a new update on Spider-Man 4 as he teases the future of Tom Holland in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In an interview with Deadline, Sony Motion Pictures Group chairman, Tom Rothman, spoke about the future of Holland's Spider-Man following Spider-Man: No Way Home. Without giving spoilers, Rothman described Spider-Man 4 as "a significant event," sharing the following:
Let me tell you when the last of the Spider-Verse movies comes with Phil Lord and Chris Miller, it’s going to be a significant event, as will the next Tom Holland Spider-Man film.
Source: Deadline


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