James Gunn"s Superhero History Proves The DCU"s Superman Can Fix A 47-Year-Old Movie Problem

  • Live-action Superman movies have had either too little or too much action.
  • James Gunn's proven talent in directing action sequences bodes well for Superman, which will likely balance its action with drama.
  • Superman's cast is filled with powerful metahumans who can participate in exciting fight scenes.
James Gunn's Superman will likely fix a solo movie problem the Man of Steel has had since DC's first live-action Superman movie 47 years earlier. James Gunn's 2025 Superman movie will kick off the new DC Universe alongside Creature Commandos, and it will prove how different the DCU will be from the defunct DCEU, not only within its plot but also in terms of quality and creativity. Bringing with it a new beginning, James Gunn's Superman can establish a more consistent style for all future DC projects to mimic.
Despite his status as DC Comics' biggest star, Superman hasn't had much luck on the big screen, or at least not as much as Batman. While Batman has appeared in thirteen live-action theatrical movies played by eight actors, Superman has only starred (and co-starred) in nine live-action movies, played by three actors so far. Superman's gallery of villains has gone largely unexplored as well, and only Christopher Reeve's version of the hero has moved beyond his early superhero career during his solo movies. On top of that, all Superman solo movies released so far share one big action problem, which James Gunn's Superman could finally fix in 2025.
Superman Movies Have Been Unbalanced In Terms Of Action Live-Action Superman Movies Have Had Too LIttle Or Too Much Action Close Superman's immense power naturally makes any story starring the Man of Steel a little more difficult to craft than usual. After all, Superman can technically punch his way to victory against most antagonists. Most Superman stories put special focus on the drama in order to solve this issue. However, almost every live-action Superman movie has overcompensated, severely restraining their action sequences in both scope and duration. Action scenes in Richard Donner's Superman movies were very basic due to the technical limitations of the time, and Superman Returns had very few action sequences because it paid homage to the previous Superman movies.


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