10 Batman Movie Rumors Debunked By James Gunn

  • James Gunn debunked rumors about Batman movie casting, including those for The Brave and the Bold and The Batman - Part II.
  • The Batman - Part II and The Batman 3 will not be filming simultaneously, contrary to rumors.
  • Robert Pattinson's Batman will not be part of the DC Universe; a new actor will be cast for the role instead.
As the creative chief of the new DC Universe and any other adaptations at DC Studios, James Gunn has debunked several Batman movie rumors since starting his new job. After Ben Affleck's time as the Dark Knight in the DCEU, a new actor will be cast to play the character in the DCU. Speculation on who will play the new Batman has been running rampant for months, with multiple actors saying they would like to play Batman in the DCU.
Gunn has addressed many rumors about The Brave and the Bold reboot film. Batman also has another movie franchise going on, with Robert Pattinson playing Bruce Wayne in director Matt Reeves' The Batman universe. The actor will return for 2026's The Batman - Part II and likely a third movie. Between the two Batman movie franchises, Gunn has debunked multiple rumors of varying natures.


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