It"s Official, DC Is Still Obsessed With Evil Superman Even After Snyder"s DCEU

  • Season 2 of My Adventures With Superman features Brainiac's brainwashing, offering a potential evil Superman story and a redemption arc for Supergirl.
  • Placing Clark against other evil Krpytonians or turning him evil highlights Superman's usual heroism.
  • The evil Superman trope in modern DC storytelling is common because of its story potential and the fresh ways it can explore what it means to be a hero.
Contains spoilers for My Adventures With Superman season 2!Despite trying their best to distance themselves from Snyder's vision for Superman, a recent story arc for My Adventures With Superman shows DC is still seemingly obsessed with having the Man of Steel turn evil. Given the divisive reception to Zack Snyder's plans for his Superman to turn evil, it is bold for DC to push forward with another iteration of that trope. Given everything revealed so far about DCU's upcoming Superman movie and how it will move in a different direction, maybe bringing evil Superman back in a smaller scale production like My Adventures With Superman is the perfect option.
My Adventures With Superman season 2 brought Superman's cousin, Kara Zor-El, into the mix with an intriguing new take on the character, this time having been brainwashed by Brainiac into following his orders. While Supergirl appears to be getting closer to breaking Brainiac's control over her, season 2, episode 6 leaves Superman in a
The second season of My Adventures With Superman brings Superman's cousin, Kara Zor-El, into the mix with an intriguing new take on the character. This opens up the possibility for Clark to be evil for a handful of episodes in the same way Supergirl has been portrayed so far, predominantly against his will, or at least without him fully realizing what is happening. The second season is already past the halfway mark and My Adventures With Superman season 3 is confirmed, making it as good a time as ever for it to explore the evil Superman trope.


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