Captain America"s 10 Most Rewatchable MCU Scenes

Captain America is one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe"s most beloved heroes, and there"s endless enjoyment to be had in rewatching some of his greatest hits throughout the series over and over again. Chris Evans" Captain America performance is easily among the best of the MCU, which is saying something considering the franchise"s star-studded cast. There are so many excellent scenes in Steve Rogers" MCU journey worth revisiting, even years later.
There are several things that can make a given Captain America scene so rewatchable. Admittedly, the vast majority of his easiest sequences to return to are exciting action scenes, worth digesting multiple times in order to appreciate every small detail of the choreography. In other instances, the raw tenacity of Chris Evans" acting chops as Captain America make a scene endlessly entertaining to revisit over and over again.
10 The Elevator Fight Captain America: The Winter Soldier Captain America: The Winter Soldier is easily the highest-rated film in the Captain America solo trilogy by most accounts, and sequences like the elevator fight scene make it obvious as to why. The tension of HYDRA"s infiltration of SHIELD reaches a breaking point when Captain America gets into a crowded elevator full of double agents, knowing that he"s likely on to them. Knowing a fight is coming, Steve calmly asks "Before we begin, would anyone like to get off?"
With that introduction, a tense, claustrophobic fistfight breaks out, with Captain America going one-on-nine against the HYDRA infiltrators. Despite facing overwhelming odds, Captain America is miraculously able to incapacitate all nine of his opponents, despite the fact that no one was holding back. From the moment the battle begins to the finishing overhead shot of the carnage, there"s so much to go back and appreciate about this particular moment.
9 Captain America Wields Mjölnir Avengers: Endgame The moment when Captain America finally wields Mjölnir is one of the most cheer-worthy moments in movie history, let alone among the MCU. Going up against Thanos for the second time, the Avengers seem to be on the ropes, with the Mad Titan effortlessly handling Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America all at the same time. The enchanted hammer slowly rises, then flies into Thanos" head just as it seems he"s about to kill Thor, only to fly back into Captain America"s hand.
The eruption that occurred from audiences in theaters during this moment was truly something special. Even re-watching the moment today, it"s hard not to feel chills run down the spine as Captain America proves he"s worthy of Thor"s power. The fact that this scene was set up so many years earlier by the Avengers: Age of Ultron party scene only makes it all the more satisfying.
8 Captain America Fights Himself Avengers: Endgame Of course, the climactic battle with Thanos is far from the only interesting action beat of Captain America"s journey. During the time heist in New York, Steve Rogers is interrupted while attempting to make off with Loki"s scepter. The moment in which Captain America faces off against a confused, younger version of himself from 2012 makes for a fascinating fight.
It"s quite impressive how well the choreography is able to sell Steve Rogers fighting himself, with the stunt double swaps being impossible to detect. The hand-to-hand combat is quite visceral and intricate, absolutely worth going over multiple times. Even if the scene is somewhat marred by Captain America making one of the Marvel"s Cinematic Universe"s most poorly-aged jokes while commenting on the appearance of his own rear end in his original suit.
7 Steve Rogers Dives On A Grenade Captain America: The First Avenger Not every Captain America scene worth repeatedly revisiting necessarily has to be a bombastic action setpiece. Sometimes, seeing the strength of character responsible for making Steve Rogers Captain America in the first place is well worth coming back to multiple times. The standout example of this is in the origin story Captain America: The First Avenger, which sees a physically infirm Steve Rogers try his best to make it through basic training and into the super soldier program.
To test the recruits" willpower, Tommy Lee Jones" character tosses a dummy grenade into their formation, declaring it to be a live explosive. While every other soldier runs for cover, Steve Roger dives on what he believes to be an active grenade, willing to shield his comrades from the shrapnel with his body at the cost of his own life. This selfless act of sacrifice is the final straw that proves his aptitude as a candidate for the super solider serum, and his confused question "Is this a test?" is endlessly endearing to rewatch.
6 Steve Rogers Gets His Date With Peggy Avengers: Endgame Another moment worth coming back to for its emotional value rather than its excitement is Steve Rogers" final scene in the entire MCU (so far), the last scene of Avengers: Endgame. Previously, Steve lived with missing out on a romance with Peggy Carter as the greatest regret of his life, forever sacrificing his own happiness in the line of duty. Years after waking up in the modern day remorseful of his missed date, Steve finally takes his opportunity to live a simple, happy life with Peggy in the past.
He does so after returning Mjölnir and the Infinity Stones to their original place in the timeline, explaining that he wanted to try some of that "life" Tony was always telling him to get. The film shows only a tiny glimpse of it, but the simple chemistry Steve and Peggy have in the brief moment is a beautiful moment to put on repeat. For all the fantastical elements of Avengers: Endgame, the fact that the film ends with a happy couple in a simple suburban house makes for one of the most perfect MCU endings ever.
5 Captain America And Bucky Overwhelm Iron Man Captain America: Civil War While most great Captain America moments are great to come back to for the action or their narrative weight, Bucky and Captain America"s team up against Iron Man at the end of Captain America: Civil War is a rare scene containing both. The scene begins with Tony on a rampage after learning that Bucky was the one behind his parents" death, even if he wasn"t in control of himself at the time. Sticking up for his friend no matter what, Captain America remorsefully joins Bucky in battling his fellow Avenger, wailing on Iron Man"s powerful suit in tandem.
The emotional stakes of this battle are some of the highest of any MCU fight scene, which only intensifies the brilliant stuntwork. It helps that Bucky and Captain America"s combination attacks on Iron Man, passing the shield back and forth between one another, is an impressive ballet of moving elements that necessitates multiple viewings to fully appreciate. Ending in Captain America telling Iron Man "I can do this all day" once again, this scene proves that at the time, Tony was just another bully for Steve to stand up to.
4 The Train Reveal Avengers: Infinity War As great as intense battles and high emotional impacts are, sometimes sheer fanservice wins the day for Captain America. His reappearance in Avengers: Infinity War is a shining example of a return to the story done right. As Black Widow desperately tries to fight off the alien strength of Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive at an isolated train station, her situation seems dire, only for a train to pass and reveal a lone silhouetted figure.
The absolute aura Captain America radiates while silently standing in the shadows is palpable, and makes for a fun visual to come back to over and over again. Catching Midnight"s polearm out of the air as the Avengers musical sting swells, this moment was the perfect way to handle Captain America"s long-awaited return to the MCU after not appearing in a movie for two years. The hype generated by Steve"s beatdown against the alien invaders is perfect for repeat viewings.
3 The Highway Fight Captain America: The Winter Soldier Everyone loves a good cinematic car chase, and while the bombastic highway fight in Captain America: The Winter Soldier only technically qualifies, the battle that ensues is one of the most iconic scenes in the entire Captain America trilogy. As Steve, Natasha and Sam escape with the captured HYDRA double agent Jasper Sitwell in tow, they find themselves in The Winter Soldier"s crosshairs once again. Bucky mercilessly executes Sitwell on the highway before going after Captain America and company.
The action choreography of Steve and Bucky"s showdown is some of the best in the MCU, utilizing Bucky"s metal arm, Steve"s shield, knife fighting close combat techniques and wrestling moves all at once. The gravity of the reveal of The Winter Soldier"s identity isn"t lost to the viewer, either, making this another great Captain America scene that combines spectacle with a thrilling ethos. Between the martial arts moves and the delicate performances of Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, this scene works in a vacuum as a miniature action movie all its own.
2 The Helicopter Arm Curl Captain America: Civil War Captain America"s tumultuous friendship with Bucky gets him in trouble more than once, as seen in Captain America: Civil War. Though Bucky tries to escape Steve to avoid troubling him further, Steve quickly lets his old friend know that he isn"t willing to give up on him so easily. Even when Bucky attempts to leave via stolen helicopter, Captain America rushes in to stop him, summoning every bit of willpower (and his super soldier serum) to physically hold back the vehicle as best he can.
Contrary to most rewatchable Captain America scenes, this moment has a very particular reason to come back to. That is to say, Chris Evans" physique here is at its most impressive out of any MCU scene, biceps bulging as he struggles with holding back a literal aircraft. As a manual for bodybuilding alone, this particular Captain America scene has likely been revisited hundreds of thousands of times.
1 Captain America Finally Gets To Say His Catchphrase Avengers: Endgame In the comics, Captain America"s famous catchphrase is "Avengers, assemble!", a rallying cry he uses to spur his fellow heroes into action. The MCU previously only teased this line, cutting off Captain America before he can finish saying it in Avengers: Age of Ultron. This only makes the payoff when he finally does get the chance in Avengers: Endgame all the more gratifying.
Every beat of this scene is pure perfect, from Captain America strapping his cracked shield to his arm while steeling himself to take on Thanos" army alone to the brilliant blaring OST as the fallen heroes join the battle through Doctor Strange"s portals. Calling Mjölnir back to him one more time, Steve finally gets to say one of the all-time greatest Captain America quotes in the MCU. Captain America"s heel turn from hopeless determination to assured victory here is entertaining every time.


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