Loki Season 2 Ending Explained | The Direct

Loki Season 2 has come to an end, and with it come some big changes for the state of the MCU and Tom Hiddleston"s namesake character.
While the series has been no strangers to cliffhangers, the Season 2 finale tied things up neatly while still leaving plenty of questions for viewers to mull over.
Loki Season 2 Ending Explained Marvel StudiosWarning - The rest of this article contains spoilers for Loki Season 2, Episode 6. 
While much of Loki"s second season has focused on the larger ensemble cast of found family Loki picked up in the TVA, the finale (borrowing the title "Glorious Purpose" from the series pilot) largely set them to the side to focus on Loki"s series-long struggle of finding out who he really is and what he really wants.
The episode picked up quickly from Episode 5"s cliffhanger ending and saw Loki spending literal centuries doing everything he could to ensure the Loom would be stable. These efforts ultimately failed, and Loki tried repeatedly to go back further in his story to find a way to either fix things or to discern a path forward.
It was revealed that the Loom was never intended to handle more than one timeline and, in fact, never could. It was a failsafe to ensure that only He Who Remains" Sacred Timeline would survive. 
Marvel StudiosIn a confrontation with the Kang Variant, Loki found himself forced to make a choice: kill Sylvie to spare He Who Remains and prevent the timelines from branching, or allow the failsafe to trigger, restoring the Sacred Timeline and destroying the TVA.
This choice was, in many ways, the hinge on which the rest of the episode pivoted. Loki needed to find a way to come to terms with the idea of potentially needing to allow a lesser evil (killing Sylvie) in order to prevent a greater one (destroying the TVA). 
Marvel StudiosWhat Loki did in the end was to carve his own path, as he has always done. He rejected his own selfish desire to stay with his friends and instead made a personal sacrifice to take He Who Remains" place as master of time. 
In his final moment in front of his friends, he told Sylvie and Mobius, "I know what I want. I know what kind of god I need to be. For you. For all of us."
Marvel StudiosWith that, Loki destroyed the Sacred Timeline, taking the dying branches into himself and forming a new Yggdrassil-style tree, allowing the literal branches of the multiverse to endure with him as the heart binding them all together.
This act of sacrifice allowed the TVA to endure, and with it, his friends, who were now free to decide their own destinies.
This story is developing. Please check back for updates!


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