Human + Hound:無數個我與小狗相遇和改變的小故事

你跟你家毛孩有甚麼特別回憶嗎?是怎樣遇上呢?你們之間又有甚麼幸福的事情?我相信大部份人都有聽過「Humans of New York」這個網站,就是攝影師在紐約街頭上找個人拍張照,被攝者亦會同時道出自己的故事來。「Human + Hound」跟「Humans of New York」有一點點相似,不過當中的故事並不單單是關於人,而是一個人與狗的小小故事。    Delilah + Bentley
“Delilah thinks she’s a dog, and Bentley thinks she’s a human – maybe that’s why they’re best friends!”
每天都有相當多小狗被遺棄,被棄養的理由有很多,而其中最多的便是「沒辦法養下去了」。每當看到這類新聞的時候,我便會感到非常痛心,特別想抱住那些被留下來的小狗。實在不理解,為甚麼能狠下心腸遺下牠呢?  Eliza + Rocky
“He thinks he’s a big dog. He’s about to be 13, and could play catch all day. He’s been to college, and spring break…he’s my boy.”儘管世上如此多寵物被棄養,但是,我一直深信依舊有很多人疼愛身邊的毛孩,會將牠當成最好的朋友親人,尊重牠的生命。世上還有很多動人的故事:有了牠的存在,生活因而變得更美好,跟其他人的關係得到改善,就連自己的性格也隨之轉變。  human_and_houndLeyla + Reuben
“He’s a fart assassin, silent but deadly – the deadliest of all pups. He’s a little stinker!”正如「Human + Hound」的攝影師說:「聆聽別人如何與自己的小狗相遇,或者他們如何改變對方的人生,這都是一件很有趣的事。」  Jeff + Kirby
“I love to get up super early and take him to the park. It’s the best time of day in New York, it’s super peaceful. He doesn’t have a good day if we don’t do that.”我相信懂得尊重,還有會真心對待動物的人,都是個善良的人。    lana + Jasper
“I adopted him from Angels Among Us, he was next on the chopping block at a high kill shelter in Tennessee. He’s a perfect dog, so sweet and so mellow – it’s crazy to me that he was going to be put down just because someone didn’t want him anymore.”Wayne + Goldie
“We just adopted her this week. We’re still getting to know each other!”David + Hopper
“He saved my life while dealing with a bad separation. I love this dog!”Gerard + Jackson
“He is me in dog form.”你呢?你跟家裡的狗狗又有一個怎樣的故事?可以跟我分享一下嗎?  Photos & Source: human_and_hound, designtaxi  


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