Loki Season 2 Episode 3 Recap: 10 Best Moments & Biggest Reveals

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Loki Season 2, Episode 3, "1893."
  • "1893" reveals that Ravonna Renslayer and Miss Minutes are carrying out orders from He Who Remains to ensure he comes to power.
  • He Who Remains gives Victor Timely a TVA handbook so he can later create the TVA.
  • Sylvie tries to kill Victor Timely, but ultimately spares him and allows him to go with Loki and Mobius to the TVA.
Loki season 2, episode 3, "1893," travels to the past and delivers some major reveals about the nature of Kang and the TVA. The Loki season 2 premiere kicked off a story big on questions and light on answers as Loki found himself bouncing between the past, present, and future of the MCU's TVA. Though his initial issue centered on this time slipping, it quickly became clear that the overloading Temporal Loom - the device that harnesses every branch of the multiverse into a stable timeline - is a bigger threat. Furthermore, Ouroboros has discovered the Loom blast doors can only be opened by He Who Remains' temporal aura - who is dead.
In an episode that brings three sets of Loki characters and their stories back together, Mobius, Loki, Sylvie Ravonna, and Miss Minutes together at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. There, they all want to find Kang variant Victor Timely for different reasons. The episodes almost-encompassing historical setting gives it a very different vibe than what came before, but the mysteries and apparent time loops make "1893" another classic episode of Loki.
Your browser does not support the video tag. 10 Loki & Mobius Finally Find Out Where (and When) Ravonna Renslayer And Miss Minutes Are Since Ravonna Renslayer took off in the Loki season 1 finale, her whereabouts have been unknown to Loki, Mobius, and the rest of the TVA. Loki season 2 episode 2 ended with a tease that Renslayer's TemPad has finally been pinged, and "1893" has finally shown where she is. The episode opens with Ravonna and Miss Minutes making a brief pit stop in 1968 Chicago before jumping forward 25 years to 1983.
However, it doesn't appear that this is where Ravonna jumped to immediately after Loki season 1. Her initial goal was to find "free will," yet that seems to have changed a bit as she's teamed up with Miss Minutes to carry out an important plan. It's likely that time has passed the same for her as the rest of the Loki cast so far, though, so it's not been long since her exit from the TVA.
9 Ravonna Renslayer And Miss Minutes Are Carrying Out Orders From He Who Remains Though it's initially unclear why Ravonna and Miss Minutes are in late 19th Century Chicago, it's quickly revealed that they're there to carry out a plan set in motion by He Who Remains himself. Though the episode doesn't get into specifics of how or when these orders were conveyed beyond saying they came about as he knew his end was coming near, it seems as though He Who Remains had the foresight to try and protect the Sacred Timeline in his temporary absence.
8 He Who Remains Causes His Own Rise It's quickly revealed that He Who Remains sent Ravonna back to 1868 to deliver a TVA handbook to a young Victor Timely. Befitting with the themes of the season so far, this creates a paradox of sorts. Timely would never have created the TVA if he hadn't been given the organization's handbook, but if he hadn't created the TVA, there would be no handbook to give. Though it hasn't been hard confirmed that Timely is actually He Who Remains himself, it seems unlikely the latter would help out a different variant given his fear of them.
7 Loki And Mobius Find Victor Timely And The Quantumania Post-Credit Scene Finally Happens Loki and Mobius travel to 1983 Chicago in an attempt to find Miss Minutes, who they believe may be able to override the Temporal Loom blast door closure in the absence of He Who Remains. However, much to Loki's surprise, they find Victor TImely first. Loki is, of course, visibly shaken as barely and time has past since the death of He Who Remains. The scene, in which Loki tells Mobius who Timely is, was previously seen as the post-credits scene of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.
6 Timely Is Building A Temporal Loom To Power The Earth Loki season 2, episode 1 revealed the Temporal Loom, an absolutely massive device that harnesses every branch of the multiverse and stabilizes them into one unified thread. However, with the help of his anachronistic TVA handbook, Victor Timely has built a prototype for a much smaller one. Its goals are much more reasonable, too. By reversing the "temporal decay" of energy running through it, the Temporal Loom can create an unprecedented amount of power. When the device is perfected, Timely wants to use it to provide electricity to the whole world.
5 Sylvie Tries To Kill Victor Timely As if it weren't difficult enough for the Loki/Mobius and Renslayer/Miss Minutes teams to both be pining for Timely's company, Sylvie shows up after storming out of the TVA in Loki season 2, episode 2. After spending her life running from the TVA and killing He Who Remains, she's vowed to kill all of his variants that she comes across. Though Loki is able to stop her, Sylvie tries her best to live up to that promise.
4 Victor And Ravonna's Future Partnership Is Teased (& Immediately Roadblocked) Loki season 2, episode 1 revealed that Ravonna and He Who Remains were close - and possibly romantic - partners in the Multiversal War. "1893" drops a few teases of that relationship to come as Victor and Ravonna share a few tender moments together. However, it's immediately upended as Miss Minutes seemingly manipulates Timely (via his "no partners" rule) to bail on Renslayer in the middle of Lake Michigan. Though the two will seemingly find their way back together (and do for a few moments later in the episode), the duo is off to a rough start.
3 Miss Minutes Reveals Her Jealous Side Throughout Loki season 2, episode 1, Miss Minutes seems plagued by jealousy whenever Ravonna sgets too much credit from Timely. However, it's taken to a new level after Miss Minutes and Timely are alone. There, she reveals that He Who Remains - presumably future Victor Timely - gave her almost everything she ever wanted, but never entertained giving her a body so that she could be, in her words, "your girl." Moments before Timely gets rid of her with a TemPad, Miss Minutes confesses that she loves him. It's a creepy scene and brings out a side of Miss Minutes that's previously only been teased.
2 Sylvie Spares Victor Timely And Ravonna (Kind Of) Towards the end of the episode, Sylvie once again makes a sudden entrance and is in a position to kill Victor Timely for the sins of He Who Remains. However, she seems to see a bit of herself in him. Scared, he explains that he is a good man and that he's his own being capable of making better decisions than other versions that she's met. There are clear parallels to her own experience, determined that everyone deserves to live their own life unbeholden to the chains of predestination. She allows him to go with Loki and Mobius to the TVA.
Then, Sylvie is left face to face with Renslayer, another person she's vowed to kill. However, realizing the damage of violent obsession, she spares her - though not in as forgiving a way as Timely. Sylvie pushes Ravonna through a Time Door, and she ends up with the dead body of He Who Remains in the crumbling Citadel at the End of Time.
1 Miss Minutes Knows A Big Secret About Ravonna Renslayer The end of Loki season 2, episode 1 leaves Ravonna and Miss Minutes stranded at the Citadel at the End of Time, crumbling and in disarray after the death of He Who Remains. While the situation is inherently harrowing, it's made worse by a sinister tease from Miss Minutes. In her usually chipper voice, the AI tells Ravonna, "I know a really big [secret] about you. I can tell you, but... it's gonna make you real angry."
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