極端種族主義的巫統婦女組大聲疾呼:巫統應該把SP Setia的華人主管踢掉!這是官聯公司,是我們馬來人的!非土著統統滾蛋

極端種族主義的巫統婦女組大聲疾呼:巫統應該把SP Setia的華人主管踢掉!這是官聯公司,是我們馬來人的!非土著統統滾蛋!嘩!大家看看這個惡婆娘有多囂張!肥婆羅斯瑪才通過國民投資公司PNB從丹斯里劉啟勝手中強搶了SP Setia實達控股控制權;都不足兩年,貪婪的巫統朋黨就等不及了! 不過,相信丹斯里劉啟勝應該很樂意聽到這樣腦殘的種族主義主張;他正好趁機會讓還留在SP Setia處理交接事務的團隊人才快快歸隊,共同為綠盛世打拚哪!劉啟勝當初被迫賣掉控制性股權的時候,巫統朋黨還曾要求丹斯里劉的企業團隊繼續把持行政及市場職位,在過渡時期協助保持運作不出問題。這在企業收購中時最平常不過的事,公司被收購了,原有的高層人員必須有一部分得留下來進行交接工作;問題現在三年期限還沒到,巫統的貪婪朋黨,尤其這些只會講不會做的惡婆娘就等不及要搶霸職位挖金礦了嗎? 不過,對丹斯里劉啟勝和非土著社會來說,未嘗不是一件好事啊。至少劉啟勝可以完全切斷與SP Setia的關係,將100%心血投入到綠盛世;而華裔社會估計也都樂觀其成。就早點交給這些眼高手低、講就天下無敵,做就有心無力的土豬去完全執政完全負責吧。這個來自巫統檳州峇眼區部婦女組的代表哈密達阿傻,今天在巫統婦女組大會上發言時以充滿種族主義的口吻說,所有官聯公司的高層職位都必須由馬來人出任;SP Setia也不例外。她說,如果繼續讓華人擔任官聯公司決策高職,他們將會把所有的發展工程、工程顧問和法律事務等等統統交給非土著;馬來人就沒辦法賺到錢。 嗯!不要怪她將這些淋棍話,因為她只是說出她的狹隘想法罷了;通常會用這種角度去質疑非土著的拐杖民族,他們本身就是這樣排斥非土著的。一旦得到行政高職,無論是人才還是蠢材還是白痴,統統以膚色為標準;非土著精英跟馬來蠢材競爭土著公司高職,往往都是落敗的。這就是為什麼許多明明壟斷市場非常好做好賺錢的官聯企業,交到馬來人手裡都有本事每年虧幾個億甚至幾十億。所以,如果我是劉啟勝,我會告訴她:是就好咯!是就快快拿去,不要光說不練!令伯巴不得快一點脫身哪!Umno delegate wants a Malay to lead SP SetiaPETALING JAYA: A Wanita Umno delegate has questioned why a non-Malay is heading property developer SP Setia Bhd, which she said was a government-linked company (GLC). Hamidah Arshad, from the Bagan division, questioned why a Chinese was appointed CEO and general manager of SP Setia Bhd.She said SP Setia’s major shareholder is Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB), another GLC, Star Online reported.「When top positions are filled by other races, the effect is that opportunities for contractors, consultants and lawyers are all given to them (their community),」 she said in her debate at the 70th Umno general assembly. Hamidah claimed there were qualified Malays who could fill the position.「GLCs belong to us, but why are we giving them (top positions) away to other races? Who will help our own race? Whose fault is this? It’s ours.」SP Setia has been headed by Khor Chap Jen since Jan 1, 2015, the news portal said.The Sun Daily also reported that Hamidah attacked the DAP-led Penang government, saying the fate of Malays in the state was akin to that of the Palestinians, who are being chased out from their homeland. 「They (the Malays) are being chased out by DAP.「The prices of houses have increased; some can go up to RM7 million. It is unreasonable, how many Malays can actually afford it?」She said although low-cost housing projects were introduced in the state, the list of buyers was decided by the DAP-led government.「The Malays were only provided with a few. Where will the Malays live?」


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