Pokemon Go 打爆機?!玩家輕鬆40 Lvl 滿級達成!!

通過分析代碼,大家發現《Pokemon Go》實際上有個等級上限。Reddit用戶Problemz宣稱他是第一個打到上限的。在一系列的帖子中,他解釋了是如何到達40級——並計劃要求尼安蒂克刪除他的帳戶。Problemz使用了「外掛」程序,以幫助他獲得2千萬經驗值,從1級直接跳到40級。單單從39級到40級就需要500萬經驗。在機器人的幫助下,他每小時能得到28萬經驗。「我改了每小時經驗數,別的啥都沒動,總共用了131個蛋,5-6個個25連包。」他總共抓住了574隻寵物小精靈,走訪了超過7000個PokéStops並且一個道館也沒打。「我不想玩這個遊戲 - 我只是想看看我在特定工具幫助下能走多遠,」Problemz寫道。「我學到了很多東西。」玩家不能自主關閉帳戶,但能在官網提交申請。 At last, someone has managed to reach Pokémon Go"s level cap of 40.Hitting level 40 is very, very difficult. Pokémon Go"s levelling system seriously stretches out the XP needed to climb higher from around level 30 onwards.Then, between levels 39 and 40, you need a whopping 5m XP - a tenth of the full amount it takes to go from zero to 40. Earning this amount of XP normally would be incredibly difficult. A single PokéStop log-in is worth just a measly 50 XP, although there arestrategies for quicker XP gains. Regardless, the only way level 40 has been reached so soon? Someone used a bot.Pokémon Go player Luca, Reddit name _problemz, managed the feat with a script that sent his character around automatically hoovering up Pokémon without the need for any legwork. He also bought and used 125 Lucky Eggs, an item which doubles your XP for 30 minutes. At their cheapest, this amount would clock in around £38.Why did he do it? Apart from being the first, Luca was simply interested in if it was possible.On achieving his feat, Luca posted his findings to the Pokémon Go Reddit and promptly retired from playing. His journey with the app was now over. As he had used a bot, he also said he would email developer Niantic and ask for his account to be deleted.Finally, he stressed, he never used Pokémon Gyms in the game as it would be unfair to other players.The Pokémon Go community has reacted pretty positively to Luca"s work, despite his admission of using a bot to catch critters. The community simply did not know what would happen - if anything - when level 40 was reached. Now, we know. But, as it turns out, there"s not a lot that does happen.As with any level up, at 40 you receive a bunch of items as a reward: 40 Ultra Balls, Max Potions, Max Revives, Razz Berries, plus four Incense, Lucky Eggs, Incubators and Lure Modules.And that"s it. No Master Ball, as some had predicted - despite it being spotted in the game"s code.But the items given out do point to something else. Level 40, it seems, is only the level cap for now. Why else would the game gift players items which help boost their XP if there is no XP to collect? And considering how it"s possible to collect all of the Pokémon in the game currentlyand still be nowhere near 40, why does the app gift items for catching even more?Level 40 appears to be the hard level cap, but this will likely be raised, and the final 10 levels" brutal XP curve straightened out, as more Pokémon and features are added over the years.Niantic said last weekend at San Diego Comic-Con that the app currently only boasts 10 per cent of planned features.The quest for the Master Ball continues, then, as does any hint of other things such as theability to catch legendary monsters. You can read about these and much more in our series of Pokemon Go guides, tips and tricks pages. 來源:www.eurogamer.net


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