大獲全勝的關鍵?Curry:我們在比賽中展現活力與執行力...... (影)

台北時間1月23日,勇士客場以118-98大勝魔術,在第三節打出一波42-24,為比賽最終的勝利奠定了基礎。「我們在本場比賽中展現了活力與執行力,而且時刻保持著球的轉移,」勇士的當家控衛Stephen Curry說道,「在這些基礎上,我們在防守端也做得很棒,同時在進攻端也展現了我們的天賦。能看到大家不斷把球投進是一件很棒的事,但你必須在防守端更加註意。」“We found our energy and execution and stopped turning the ball over,” Stephen Curry, who scored a game-high 27 points, including 7-of-13 shooting from deep, told reporters in Florida. “And after that, we got stops and our talent plays over on the offensive end. It is nice to see shots going in obviously, but you have to get stops and take care of the basketball to get that done.”本場比賽,Curry上場30分鐘,15投8中,拿下27分4個籃板6次助攻,其中三分球13投7中。「不管是出於什麼原因,本場比賽的第三節的確是我們在最近幾週中表現最好的第三節,」勇士總教練Steve Kerr說道,「我們在這節比賽中防守做得非常棒,同時在衝擊籃框以及投三分的轉換方面做得也很出色。我不知道為什麼,這對於我們最近的比賽很關鍵。」“For whatever reason, we’ve had a bunch really good third quarters in the last couple of weeks,” Warriors coach Steve Kerr said. “It seems to be the time when we pick up our defense and it translates into some transition hoops and 3-pointers. I don’t know why, but that seems to be the key time for us these days.”在過去19場比賽中,勇士有17場在比賽的第三節得分超過對手,在這17場中,他們只輸了其中的2場。此外,勇士在第三節的淨勝分為+268分,排在全聯盟首位。Curry訪問片段Your browser does not support iframes.


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