
在昨日的比賽中,缺少中鋒Joel Embiid的76人98-113大比分輸給了老鷹。「這讓我們的戰術有點貧乏,」當被問到缺少Embiid對球隊的影響時,中鋒Nerlens Noel說道,「我們的隊員應該要在給球隊注入活力方面做得更好,就是這樣。“It is a little flat," Nerlens Noel said of the team’s play without Embiid. “I think guys can do a better job of just bringing energy, the whole team, period.「人們必須知道,當他沒有上場比賽時,情況會有些不同,」Noel補充道,「所以這會是一個艱難的調整,但我們必須去做。」“I think guys have got to know when you come into this game without Joel, things are a little different."“So it’s a tough little adjustment to go from," Noel said, “but you’ve got to do it."有Embiid在場時,76人戰績為13勝17負,沒有他的情況則下降到了2勝10負。76人後衛T.J. McConnell也說道:「我們太依靠Joel了,今年他都不會打背靠背的比賽。這需要時間,當你調整先發陣容時都會如此,但我們會解決的。」“We just rely on playing with just Joel," starting point guard T.J. McConnell said. “He’s not going to play on back-to-backs for this year. That comes with time. When you are inserting new guys in the lineup, it’s hard sometimes, but we will figure it out."前鋒Robert Covington則表示這會讓球隊進步。「這只是一個我們會一起解決的問題罷了,」他說,「我們會作為一個整體來想辦法解決。」“It’s just something we are going to have to figure out as a unit," starting small forward Robert Covington said of improving the team’s play without Embiid. “It’s just a matter of coming together and figuring it out as a team."本賽季至今,Embiid場均上場25.3分鐘,拿下19.8分,7.8個籃板和2.4個火鍋。


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