10 Batman Movie Scenes Ripped Straight From DC Comics

  • Batman movies draw inspiration from DC comics, faithfully adapting iconic scenes like Wayne's murder and Bane breaking Batman's back.
  • Each Batman movie adaptation showcases the Caped Crusader in unique ways, from campy charm to gritty realism, while lifting scenes from the comics.
  • Significant comic book moments, such as the Joker killing Robin, are faithfully adapted in live-action Batman movies like Batman v Superman.
Though many of the Batman movies crafted their own unique identity, they still drew inspiration from the pages of DC Comics. From the campy charm of the 1960s Adam West era to the dark and gritty realism of Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy, Batman has been portrayed in various ways across numerous movie franchises. Each adaptation brings its own vision of Gotham's Caped Crusader to the DCU timeline, while still lifting scenes directly from the comic books.
Batman might be the most popular superhero ever and has been adapted on numerous occasions and in numerous mediums. A total of 13 live-action Batman movies have been produced, along with a swathe of animated movies. While the animated Batman movies have demonstrated a remarkable degree of fidelity to the source material, the live-action movies frequently deviated somewhat. Despite this, numerous scenes from the Batman comics have been adapted faithfully in live-action movies.


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