10 Strongest Characters In Smallville, Ranked

Smallville includes many powerful characters in addition to Clark Kent. Airing over the course of a decade from 2001 to 2011, Smallville focuses on a young Clark Kent (Tom Welling) as he learns of his Kryptonian heritage, hones his powers, and develops a friendship with Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum). Under the guidance of his Kryptonian father Jor-El, Clark eventually embraces his destiny as Superman and meets a wide variety of DC Comics heroes and villains.
While Smallville serves as a Superman origin series first and foremost, he is far from the only character on the show to possess superpowers. Not only does the series boast multiple Justice League and Justice Society characters, but many of Smallville's villains also possess metahuman abilities themselves. Here are the 10 most powerful characters to appear on Smallville.


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