Disney Announces Historic MCU Musical | The Direct

Disney confirmed that a historical MCU musical is set to debut at the Disneyland Resort this summer. 
Currently, the Disney California Park at the Disneyland Resort is home to Avengers Campus where characters from the latest Marvel films and Disney+ series are prone to appear.
But now, it seems that Disney is taking its Marvel Universe ties to a whole new level (incursion?) in bringing a Disney+ plot point into this universe.
Real-Life Rogers: The Musical ConfirmedA real-life production of Rogers: The Musical, inspired by the in-universe musical shown in Hawkeye on Disney+, is coming to Disney California Adventure at the Disneyland Resort. 
Set to debut this summer at the park"s Hyperion Stage, Marvel described this version of Rogers: the Musical as a short one-act version all about Steve Rogers" life. 
Disney also released a teaser to announce the show, which showed Peggy Carter looking down at a playbill for Rogers: The Musical
DisneyWhile Peggy Carter wasn"t part of the "Save the City" number from Hawkeye, Christopher Lennertz, who"s confirmed to be composing this real-world musical, also composed the Agent Carter television series. 
The video then shows Peggy heading toward the theater whose marquee reads "coming soon."
DisneyThe full teaser can be seen below:
It"s worth noting that the theme park"s Hyperion Theater sits next to the entrance of Avengers Campus, which makes it the perfect fit both visually and thematically. 


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