Secret Wars Theory Makes Kang More Powerful Than You Ever Imagined

Kang may have some interesting new powers according to a theory for Avengers: Secret Wars. It came as a big surprise when the tide began to turn in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and Wasp walked back through the closing portal to help Ant-Man officially beat Jonathan Majors' Kang.The exact nature of Kang's demise and what that means for the future is more complex and ambiguous, and in his wake, the Council of Kangs has arrived and declared war on Earth-616.
Despite his presumptive fate in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and Major’s continuance as Kang’s variance in upcoming projects, including Loki season 2, there’s still a collective expectation that this Kang’s time isn’t over in the MCU. Particularly, Kang’s death is more interesting given Scarlet Witch’s similarly ambiguous fate in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Together they are the MCU’s only nexus beings, which must mark them as incredibly significant to the unfolding multiversal story. Theories abound about how, when, and why Kang will return to the MCU, and even more so about the role he will play when he’s back.


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