Star Trek: Professor Moriarty Explained

Professor Moriarty starred in his own two-episode arc in Star Trek, and he was the center of one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's most interesting moral dilemmas. The character of Moriarty made his debut in the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle short story "The Final Problem" in 1893, and he would quickly become Sherlock Holmes's most famous villain. Known for being a criminal mastermind of almost infinite intellect, Moriarty became just as famous as his sleuthing adversary. The lore of the Sherlock Holmes series grew far beyond the pages of Conan Doyle's books, and the legacy of the characters lived well into Star Trek's 24th Century.
Star Trek was never limited by its own lore, and it often included classic pieces of literature, music, and art in its stories to connect it to Earth's distant history. Historical figures in Star Trek were always quite common, and almost every series featured stories that saw real or fictitious icons of the past arrive in the future. Professor Moriarty, though fictional, became a dynamic character during the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and his legacy only grew larger. Like his literary counterpart, Star Trek's Moriarty presented just as much of a challenge for the crew of the USS Enterprise-D as he did to Sherlock Holmes.


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