Star Wars Drops 5 Bombshells About Palpatine"s Cloning Plan

Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for Star Wars: The Bad Batch's two-part finale.Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 2 has aired its season finale, which revealed plenty in the way of Palpatine's plans for Omega, cloning, and the Kaminoans. Throughout both seasons of The Bad Batch, it has become clear that the show is filling in a crucial part of the Star Wars timeline. From exploring the true emerging power of the Empire to the replacement of clones with stormtroopers, The Bad Batch has detailed essential events in the Star Wars galaxy shortly after Order 66.
However, one of the biggest surprises was that The Bad Batch was seemingly setting up the events that take place after Return of the Jedi. Be it the foreshadowing of the wider story The Mandalorian seems to be building to or the intricacies of Palpatine's cloning plans from the sequel trilogy, The Bad Batch's importance to the broader Star Wars franchise cannot be understated. With Star Wars: The Bad Batch's season 2 ending, these story elements came to a head and revealed everything known thus far about Palpatine's plan for cloning technology.


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