10 Problems With Reviving The Original Avengers In The MCU

  • Reviving the original Avengers in the MCU would face challenges due to the aging of the actors involved, risking breaking immersion in the franchise's story.
  • Balancing the surviving Avengers with their deceased and retired teammates would be messy from a narrative perspective, requiring tedious continuity exploration.
  • Bringing back the original Avengers would undermine the franchise's narrative continuity, as well as the impactful endings and sacrifices of certain characters like Iron Man and Black Widow.
Although The Avengers are perhaps Marvel's most successful superhero team, bringing its original MCU members back would come with significant problems. The overwhelming success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has hinged largely upon Marvel Studios' ability to build a large, cohesive shared universe. Adapting superheroes from the comics into live-action movies isn't always straightforward, but the movies of the MCU have found a winning formula by gradually expanding the scope of the franchise with each new entry. However, practically all of the MCU's early success centered on building towards the franchise's first big team-up movie: 2012's The Avengers.
The MCU's original Avengers - Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye - played a crucial role in Phase 1 of the franchise. As a result, the six Avengers rank among the MCU's most important characters, owing to the way that their presence shaped the crucial early stages of the shared universe. However, despite their continued importance, bringing back the retired or deceased members of the team to reunite the MCU's original Avengers would cause huge issues for the franchise both on and off the screen. With that in mind, here are 10 problems with reviving the original Avengers in the MCU.


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