Marvel Is Already Failing Sam Wilson As The MCU"s Captain America Replacement

  • Marvel is failing Sam Wilson's Captain America by not giving him as much focus as Steve Rogers had in Phases 1-3, with only one appearance in Phase 4 and one appearance in Phase 5.
  • Anthony Mackie's big-screen debut as Captain America in Brave New World breaks the trend of Chris Evans appearing in at least one MCU movie a year, as Mackie will only have two appearances in four years.
  • The lack of cohesion in the MCU's Multiverse Saga extends beyond Sam Wilson's Captain America, as none of the franchise's many characters are positioned as important connective pieces.
Though he hasn't yet starred in his first solo movie, Captain America: Brave New World, Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) is the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Captain America replacement, but they're already failing him. In the MCU's Infinity Saga, Sam Wilson was an ally of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) operating under the code name Falcon, but when Steve retired at the end of Avengers: Endgame, he passed the Captain America shield to Sam. The Phase 4 TV show The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was essentially Sam's origin as Captain America.
However, as the MCU has expanded massively in Phases 4 and 5, Marvel Studios hasn't given Sam Wilson's Captain America nearly as much focus as Steve Rogers' had in Phases 1-3. Throughout Evans' run in the MCU, he appeared in at least one Marvel movie a year from 2011-2019, whether in a starring role or as a cameo. Comparatively, Mackie's Sam Wilson has only had one appearance in Phase 4 in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and is set to have only one appearance in Phase 5 with Captain America: Brave New World. In this way, Marvel is failing Sam's Captain America by not making him as important to the MCU as Steve's Cap was.


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