Star Wars Retcons A Major Last Jedi Plot Point As It Prepares For Mythology Origin

Lucasfilm announced a new Star Wars movie at Star Wars Celebration 2023 set during the Dawn of the Jedi era. While Star Wars Legends has its own story for the birth of the Jedi Order, Disney’s new canon hasn’t yet covered this area in Star Wars’ history in any sort of detail. What little is known of the beginning of the Jedi comes from Star Wars: The Last Jedi and the first Jedi Temple Luke finds on the planet Ahch-To. There, viewers got their first look at not only the first Jedi Temple, but also the first Jedi, known as the Prime Jedi.
The Last Jedi depicts a mural which shows the Prime Jedi placed in between the light side and the dark side of the Force, suggesting the Prime Jedi sought to balance the Force, much like the prophecy of the Chosen One mentioned in the prequel trilogy. In any case, the Dawn of the Jedi era movie will explore the origin of the Force and the Jedi as no Star Wars media has done before. However, a recent book from Lucasfilm may have just changed what little we know about the Dawn of the Jedi movie.


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