Star Wars Jedi: Survivor: How to Get Max Stims (All 10 Upgrade Locations)

Stims are used in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor as a way for Cal to recover health in combat, but players are able to upgrade the max amount of these healing items available from BD-1 by finding the location of certain mechanisms. The amount of Stim canisters Cal's droid companion can carry at the start of the game are slim, so players are encouraged to look for these devices. Improving max Stim capacity can also be incredibly useful on higher difficulties.
Players should remember that getting more Stims to use in battle does not improve Cal's maximum health, it instead gives more opportunities to recover. Only rare collectible items called Force Essences have the ability to raise the player's max health, along with certain skills in the Resilience skill tree. Stims are rather a consistent source of healing that may be needed in difficult fights, including bosses such as the Rancor.


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