Marvel"s Infinity Stones Lore That Defined MCU Phase 1-3 Was Written In Just 90 Minutes

James Gunn reveals that the lore that the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Infinity Saga is defined by was written in 90 minutes. Gunn is capping off his MCU run with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, but the director is also looking back at his time with the franchise. In a new interview, he reveals how he quickly came up with the premise of the whole Infinity Saga narrative.
In an interview with Phase Zero, Gunn reveals that he wrote the whole Infinity Stones lore in less than two hours. Watch the clip below:
Gunn recalls just how quickly he came up with the idea of the Infinity Stones, as explained by the Collector in Knowhere. The Marvel Studios then kept the explanation until the end of the Infinity Saga. Read Gunn's full quote below:
"I wrote that scene in about an hour and a half, it just like came up with what the Infinity Stones were... and everything's [the entire MCU's] based on that... They were like, 'You know, we're thinking about putting the Power Stone in.' I was like, 'That's cool. The Power Stone. The Collector has the Power Stone....' And I just made up this bullsh*t!"


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