10 Failed DCEU Characters The DC Universe Can Fix

The old DCEU failed many characters throughout its run, and the rebooted DC Universe can finally give those characters their due. The DCEU originally had director Zack Snyder's vision as its guide, but after a string of disappointing movies, DC opted to part ways with him, leaving the DCEU aimless. Throughout both phases of the DCEU — with and without Snyder — the universe failed to authentically bring some of DC's most iconic characters to life.
There are many reasons why the DCEU failed such a long list of characters over the years. Some DCEU versions were simply bad, while others were good but underused. There was even the case of actors' personal lives affecting their work, with DC seeing some of its stars face legal trouble. The new DC Universe under James Gunn and Peter Safran hopes to streamline DC's cinematic shared universe. The DC Universe can fix the characters the DCEU failed through its new approach.


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