Jonathan Frakes" Riker Joins Star Trek: Resurgence Game

Star Trek: Resurgence gains a major Star Trek: The Next Generation icon as Captain Will Riker joins the upcoming video game. Developed by Dramatic Labs and released by Epic Games, Star Trek: Resurgence is a single-player narrative adventure game that lets players play as two new Starfleet Officers in the 24th century. Star Trek: Resurgence is playable on Xbox, PlayStation, and in an Epic Games Store exclusive on PC. announced that Jonathan Frakes is voicing Captain Will Riker in Star Trek: Resurgence. Speaking to, Resurgence's writer Dan Martin praised Frakes' performance as Riker. Read his quote below:
We weren’t going to include Riker if we couldn’t have Jonathan Frakes return to the role. It was an absolute joy to work with him as he brought his classic Riker charm and command to our game.

As for why Riker is part of Star Trek: Resurgence, it has to do with the game's core mystery plot involving two alien civilizations on the brink of war. As writer Andrew Grant teased further:
We took inspiration for our premise from an early The Next Generation episode "The Last Outpost" that first introduced the Tkon Empire. Riker featured prominently in the episode. He has direct experience with Portal Six Three, guardian of the Tkon Empire, so including him in our narrative felt like an organic fit.


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