Captain America 4 Must Finally Complete Marvel"s World War Hulk Setup

Marvel Studios' Captain America: New World Order can finally complete the MCU's setup for a potential World War Hulk project. Following the success of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Anthony Mackie was confirmed to be reprising the role of Sam Wilson in Captain America: New World Order, his feature film debut as the MCU's Captain America. As well as putting Mackie front-and-center for his first solo MCU film, New World Order will also feature the likes of Danny Ramirez, Tim Blake Nelson, Liv Tyler, Shira Haas, and Harrison Ford, who will be taking over from the late William Hurt as Thaddeus Ross.Sam Wilson's take on Captain America will be far different from Steve Rogers', who passed on the stars and stripes to the Falcon at the end of Avengers: Endgame. With no superpowers to speak of, Wilson is set to portray a much more humane and grounded Captain America, which becomes even more interesting when considering the villains he'll be up against in Captain America: New World Order. While Phase 5 isn't expected to include Mark Ruffalo's Hulk in any capacity, several of his related characters will be appearing in New World Order, which could help to set up one major potential project for the MCU.


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