Avengers 6 Could Break An Incredible MCU Record After 2023"s Weirdest Cameo

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for The Marvels
  • The return of Kelsey Grammer as Beast in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) could break the record for the longest tenure by a character in Marvel movies.
  • It is most likely that Beast will return in the upcoming Avengers: Secret Wars, given the storyline involving realities crashing together and the idea of multiverse incursions.
  • If Beast does not appear in Secret Wars, there is still a chance that Kelsey Grammer could break the record by appearing in another MCU movie or TV show after December 28, 2025.
The return of a veteran Marvel actor in 2023's most shocking MCU twist sets up a huge record being broken in Avengers: Secret Wars. The Marvel's credits scene brought Kelsey Grammer's mutant genius Beast back to the Marvel timeline after Teyonah Parris' Monica Rambeau ended up stranded in an entirely different reality. And that shocking crossover could lead to a major Marvel acting record being broken in the near future.
Despite killing numerous characters and permanently retiring many others, the MCU has a number of characters who have been around for a long time. Samuel L Jackson's Nick Fury and Jon Favreau's Happy Hogan are still active in 2023 after debuting in Iron Man in 2008, and Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, and Mark Ruffalo could all be expected to return in the near future. But thanks to the multiverse and returning characters from pre-MCU movies, another group of characters technically have even longer tenures. When Jennifer Garner reappears in Deadpool 3, she will have played Elektra in 2 movies 19 years and 111 days apart. And Beast's return in an upcoming MCU movie could go even further.


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