Iron Man"s Best Quotes From Each of His MCU Movie Appearances

As both the most impactful character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and one of its best-acted performances, Iron Man has had some incredible quotes throughout his many film appearances. Iron Man"s MCU journey is quite a remarkable one, going from an egotistical weaponsmith to a world-saving hero. Along the way, Robert Downey Jr."s amazing acting skills produced some incredible lines of dialogue, with each of Tony Stark"s movie appearances having a standout line.
The best Iron Man lines in each of his movies vary wildly in scope and meaning. Some of them are quite profound, becoming iconic slogans in the grand scheme of the decade-spanning series. Others are more humorous one-off quips, indicative of Marvel Studios" signature style of humor that has gone on to massively influence pop culture as a whole. No matter what he"s saying, Tony Stark is always worth listening to in his ten Marvel movie appearances.
10 "The Truth Is...I Am Iron Man" Iron Man Not only are Tony Stark"s last lines of dialogue in his debut film still fondly remembered as an incredible send-off that set up the entire MCU, but they"re also highly memorable despite the film"s tough competition. At a press conference following Iron Man"s battle with the Iron Monger, Tony Stark is relentlessly hounded by the media, desperate for a statement on his relationship with the mysterious flying hero. Tony can only lean into the mic, stating "The truth is...I am Iron Man", allowing an explosion of follow-up questions and camera flashes to close out his first film.
This simple statement went on to be repeated multiple times in Iron Man"s MCU career, most notably also being his last words before dying in Avengers: Endgame. This makes it all the more impressive that Robert Downey Jr. actually improvised this line, forever impacting not only his character, but the franchise as a whole. After all, this scene is a big part of the reason why the MCU never bothered much with drama surrounding secret identities.
9 "I've Always Felt That Hardware Was Much More Reliable" The Incredible Hulk By far Iron Man"s most obscure Marvel movie appearance, Tony Stark"s cameo in The Incredible Hulk"s post-credits scene doesn"t leave much dialogue to choose from for the best line from the character in the film. Yet in his brief time on screen, Tony Stark manages to make as big an impression as ever, speaking to General Ross about the Hulk"s possible place in the Avengers Initiative. He seems to imply some history between the two of them, admitting to saying that he "told you so" regarding an attempt to re-create the Captain America super soldier serum.
Going on to rub salt in General Ross" wound, Tony goes on to state his preference for cold hard steel over biological advancements. Funnily enough, he echoes this sentiment once again during his first meeting with Captain America in The Avengers, claiming that everything special about Steve Rogers came out of a test tube. However, as much as Tony Stark may have changed over his years in the MCU, a fondness for hardware over magic or genetic engineering remained a constant personality trait.
8 "I Have Successfully Privatized World Peace" Iron Man 2 Stacked against his other movie appearances, Iron Man 2 is often considered the weakest Iron Man movie of his MCU solo trilogy. That being said, the film still at least contained some great scenes that demonstrated the blazing power of Tony"s Phase One ego, particularly in the courtroom hearing scene. Called up to face potential legal consequences for his actions as Iron Man, Tony Stark faces a stern panel of military leaders, judicial powers, and corporate interests that all demand an explanation for his exploits as an armed flying hero.
Fending them off through sheer charisma and force of personality, Tony Stark makes the audacious claim that he has successfully privatized world peace, then groaning "What more do you want?" As weak as Iron Man 2"s script can be in other places, this opening scene is a great encapsulation of Tony Stark"s attitude and infuriating success. Only someone as smart as him can get away with being so smug.
7 "Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist" The Avengers Continuing off of Tony"s early unchecked egotism that ran rampant through the early Marvel Cinematic Universe, his words to Captain America in The Avengers are particularly potent. Being diametrically opposite to Steve Rogers personality wise and in terms of power, it"s easy to see why the two would come into conflict so soon after their first meeting. While Stark sees himself as a self-made man nevertheless loathed by leaders everywhere, he easily draws the conclusion that Rogers is no more than a scientific guinea pig that got lucky, something he has no problem letting him know.
When Steve strikes back, taunting Tony for hiding behind his armor suits, he asks "Take that away and what are you?" Without missing a beat, Tony provides his answer, describing himself quite impressively in a way no one can exactly argue against. It"s the perfect time capsule of where Tony Stark was in his character arc in The Avengers, yet to be humbled by the events of Loki"s invasion.
6 "Threat Is Imminent, And I Have To Protect The One Thing I Can't Live Without" Iron Man 3 Iron Man 3 unearthed a more sensitive side to Tony Stark, something that is reflected in his best lines in the film. Stripped of his most powerful Iron Man suits and struck at his most vulnerable places by his enemies, Tony realizes how his new attachment to Pepper Potts could be used against him. Not only that, but his commitment to her seems to be requiring some form of sacrifice in his hero career, something he eventually comes to terms with at the conclusion of the movie.
However, his experiences delivering the payload that stopped Loki"s army left him quite scarred, as is apparent when he speaks about his paranoia of the extraterrestrial threats to come. It becomes clear with this line why Tony Stark ends up building Ultron, a "suit of armor around the world". His experiences with the unknown cosmic forces of the Marvel universe left him quite aware of their dangers, a fear that is proven once more with Thanos" invasion.
5 "Isn't That Why We Fight, So That We Can End The Fight So We Can Go Home?" Avengers: Age of Ultron Even if Captain America and Iron Man manage to come to an understanding by the time of Avengers: Age of Ultron, they still bristle against one another ideologically. This is perfectly encapsulated in the excellent wood cutting scene, where the two idly discuss the threat at hand while helping the Barton family out with a simple chore. Here, Tony begins to feel the pressure of his teammate0s" disapproval over his building of Ultron, not just because he went rogue, but because he was meant to replace the Avengers.
Tony attempts to argue this to Steve, telling him that retiring peacefully is the whole goal of their never-ending battle for world peace. What he fails to consider is that, for people like Captain America, the battlefield is the only home that"s left. More importantly, this ideological difference of prevention at the cost of freedom vs. response at the cost of safety ends up forming the core of the two heroes" divide in Captain America: Civil War.
4 "He Killed My Mom" Captain America: Civil War While Captain America and Iron Man have some diametrically opposed viewpoints when it comes to hero work, they"re almost able to find some shaky common ground throughout the entire film. Sadly, an emotional monkey wrench gets thrown into the mix when it"s revealed that Bucky, Captain America"s best friend, was the one behind the "accident" that killed Tony"s parents. Cold with rage, flowering his language with none of his normal quips or witticisms, Iron Man makes it clear with one simple line why he won"t be giving Bucky any leniency.
It"s hard to argue with this statement as a reason not to turn Bucky over. Even though Iron Man consciously knows that Bucky, as The Winter Soldier, wasn"t in control of his actions, there"s no reason to expect him to ever forgive such a vile act. The exact wording of this statement is quite poignant as well, reflecting Tony"s better relationship with his mom compared to his complicated one with his father.
3 "If You're Nothing Without The Suit, Then You Shouldn't Have It." Spider-Man: Homecoming Spider-Man: Homecoming saw Tony Stark take an interesting new role as a mentor for the up-and-coming friendly neighborhood hero. Supporting Peter Parker in his work, Tony gifts him an advanced Spider-Man suit which ends up forming the crux of the film"s drama. When Peter continues to engage with The Vulture"s gang after being repeatedly told to stand down by Iron Man, only for disastrous consequences to result, Tony has no choice but to take away his proverbial ward"s new toy.
With a single line that has since echoed throughout the MCU, Stark makes it clear that power for power"s sake isn"t a worthy indicator of decision-making. This shuts down Peter"s protests in a single sentence, coldly demonstrating that even as a mentor, Iron Man is no pushover. This line also reflects Tony Stark"s own journey and relationship with his suits in Iron Man 3, and how he too had to learn to rely on his own wit first and foremost.
2 "Dude, You're Embarrassing Me In Front Of The Wizards" Avengers: Infinity War Sometimes, Iron Man"s best lines in a movie aren"t his hard-hitting declarations or effortlessly cool one-liners, but simple jokes. In Avengers: Infinity War, Iron Man was surprisingly spared from the burden of any hard-hitting emotional lines, with his witnessing of Thanos" snap leaving him in a rare state of speechlessness. As such, his best lines in the film come from his humorous first-time interactions with heroes like Doctor Strange.
When Doctor Strange, Tony Stark, Wong, and Bruce Banner all come together to battle the first of Thanos" Black Order to make it to Earth, the latter has some trouble transforming into the Hulk. Alarmed, Tony can only harshly whisper, "Dude, you"re embarrassing me in front of the wizards", a line which has gone on to join the best of Avengers: Infinity War"s meme material. Even in deathly serious situations, a joke is never far behind Tony Stark"s lips.
1 "I Love You 3,000" Avengers: Endgame While it"s tempting to once again go with Tony Stark"s last words for his single greatest quote in Avengers: Endgame, in truth, his best line actually comes after his death. Tony Stark first hears the words "I love you 3,000" from his daughter, Morgan, instilling in him a deep appreciation for the family he was able to create in the wake of Thanos" snap. However, it"s his later repetition of the phrase that"s liable to get the waterworks flowing in even the most steel-tempered of movie goers.
After his death, Tony"s loved ones watch a holographic will that Tony recorded to be played in the event of his death, telling his daughter he loves her one last time. This is the last thing Tony Stark says as Iron Man in the MCU, closing his journey on a deeply personal note. As irreverent and crass as Iron Man can be, it"s fitting that his closing words in Avengers: Endgame expressed his deep gratitude for those closest to him.
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