
「請廣傳」香港紅十字會將香港人血液送上中國大陸,香港反而因此不夠血液而告急!sponsored 取消器官捐贈登記行動1. 香港紅十字會已經被揭發,將香港人捐出的血液送上中共國,而香港反而因此不夠血液而告急;2. 香港投共狗官力推opt-out 式 強制器官捐贈, 你唔登記反對捐贈就當願意。登記反對當然有秋後;3. 中共國已經將 港澳台 納入 「國家人體器官分配系統」;4. 香港投共狗官力推醫改,將加速蝗國醫生到香港行醫。5. 中共國 器官移植是大生意sponsored 五者並發,最惡劣情況將出現:香港人有病/ 意外入院,或得不到適當治療,並被 強制器官捐贈,器官立時送到中共國 供 「高幹/ 惡富」使用。有人賺大錢。唔想這種事發生, SAY NO to opt-out 式強制性器官捐贈!現在就 取消器官捐贈登記 !並告訴親友,自己死後願意 器官捐贈 但祇可供香港人使用。器官捐贈 取消登記表格: www.codr.gov.hk問與答 Q&A:sponsored Q: 再次請問,捐贈者可否要求指定受惠地區 ? A: 現制度是不可指定受惠者,但 受惠地區 is a grey area. 要爭取囉!----------------------------------------------Q: 有人話取消 registration會影響香港本地病人嗎?A: 取消 registration是要阻止 opt-out 強制器官捐贈上台。告訴親友,自己死後願意 器官捐贈 但祇可供香港人使用。有冇 Register 器官捐贈,你死後都有人勸捐,親人一樣可以反對的!所以不會影響實際捐贈。這個行動是要短期內施壓,除非港共暴政死不悔改。才要長期抗爭。sponsored Cancel your organ donation registration:1. Hong Kong Red Cross has been found sending blood donated by Hong Kong people to China, whereas it urge for more donation for insufficient blood for Hong Kong; 2. Communist Hong Kong official has been pushing the Opt-out organ donation scheme, i.e. if you don"t register to reject organ donation, you will be seen as agreed; 3. The Communist PRC government has already included, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan into the China organ transplant network; 4. Communist Hong Kong official has been pushing the new form of the medical system & law, opening the gate for Chi-Na medical doctors to practice in Hong Kong; 5. In China, organ transplant is a big bussiness.sponsored The five things together may realize the worst scenario:Hongkonger entering a hospital on sickness or accident may not get the proper treatment, and was forced to donated some organ for no opt-out has been done. The organs are transported to PRC quickly for some high ranking commies/ riches are waiting. Someones make big money.To stop all these from happening, SAY NO to opt-out organ donation.sponsored Cancel you organ donation registration now.If you are willing to donate your organs, just tell your next of kin and that the organs are for Hongkonger only.To Cancel: www.codr.gov.hkHorara FUN 10th July, 2016sponsored


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