The Flash Vanishes Today in The CW"s "Future" & I Am Not Ready To Accept It"s Been A Decade

  • Today, April 25, 2024, marks the day when The Flash was originally meant to disappear during Crisis on Infinite Earths.
  • The Flash's pilot episode tease of the Crisis event came to pass earlier than originally expected in the Arrowverse timeline.
  • Despite the end of The Flash series, its legacy continues with the TV show being the defining adaptation of DC's speedster hero.
In the final scene of The Flash pilot episode, the front page of a future edition of The Central City Citizen newspaper reports "Flash Missing: Disappears In Crisis," and today, April 25, 2024, is the date of that report. The scene was exciting for a few reasons — not only did it tee up The Flash season 1's time-travelling villain Reverse-Flash, it also teased the Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline five years before it came to pass. However, now that the date of Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) disappearance has come, it's difficult to believe it's been almost 10 years since The Flash premiered.
In the last decade, the Arrowverse expanded greatly, growing from only The CW's flagship DC TV show, Arrow, to include multiple spinoffs like The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Batwoman and Superman & Lois. The franchise was known for its annual crossovers, which brought heroes from multiple series together to battle massive threats, all culminating in the five-episode Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover that aired in late 2019 and early 2020. Now, more than a decade after Arrow premiered, the Arrowverse has essentially ended, and real life is catching up with the future that The Flash teased in its very first episode.
Superman & Lois is the last remaining Arrowverse show, with its final season set to air in 2024. However, in the season 2 finale, it was confirmed to take place in a different universe to the franchise's Earth-Prime, so the main timeline ended with The Flash in 2023.


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