Marvel"s Blade Movie Faces Yet Another Setback As It Loses Its Director Again

  • The Blade reboot faces a new setback, with director Yann Demange exiting the project before production.
  • Marvel Studios and Disney stay silent as the second director walks away from Blade.
  • The release date in 2025 doesn't guarantee smooth sailing for the troubled Marvel Cinematic Universe film.
The Blade reboot may be back to square one as the Marvel Cinematic Universe installment has lost its second director.
Despite having a 2025 release date, The Wrap reports that Marvel Studios and Blade director Yann Demange have parted ways ahead of the reboot's production start. According to their sources, Demange's departure "was entirely amicable." At the time of this story's publication, Marvel Studios and Disney have yet to comment on the Blade report.
Source: The Wrap


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