10 Most Rewatchable Arrow Episodes, Ranked

  • Arrow's legacy lives on through rewatchable episodes.
  • Many of the best episodes of Arrow involve showcase less well-known villains in impactful and exciting stories.
  • Arrow's place as the center of the Arrowverse is underlined in some of its most rewatchable episodes.
Arrow has been one of the most popular DC Universe television series ever, paving the way for the Arrowverse and its subsequent series. With the finale of the tenuously connected Superman & Lois season 4, the Arrowverse timeline will be fully and conclusively at its end. However, there is no doubt that many episodes from all these shows will continue to be rewatched in the years to come. With that said, not all episodes of the Stephen Amell starring series are made equal, and for those not plannin on a full rewatch, some hold up better than others.
Like The Flash and Supergirl that followed it, Arrow's superhero story is long-form and draws from many influences and stories from the comic books. Featuring consistent crossovers, at least nine archers, and some of the wildest superhero cameos ever put on television, Arrow is worth revisiting again and again, with some best suited to revisiting now and in the future for all of their strengths, Easter Eggs, and standalone treats.


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