My Adventures With Superman Finally Sets Up The Lex Luthor Showdown I"ve Wanted For 13 Episodes

  • My Adventures With Superman sets up an exciting potential showdown between Superman and Lex Luthor, with a unique reimagining of the iconic villain.
  • The slow buildup of Lex Luthor's villain story ensures a tense and thrilling rivalry between Superman and one of his most famous villains.
  • The fresh take on both Superman and Lex Luthor's characters in the series makes their potential impending clash all the more exciting.
My Adventures With Superman season 2, episode 4 is seemingly perfectly setup for the Superman vs Lex Luthor showdown I've been waiting the DC show's whole run for. When I initially picked up My Adventures With Superman, it was as a more light-hearted, whimsical story to watch between some of Marvel and DC's darker shows, based on its cheerful art design and breezy trailer. However, after seeing one Iron Man-styled Deathstroke design and a Sailor Moon-esque Superman suit transformation, the series proved to be way, way more than that, especially when it comes to villains.
Superman has some of my favorite villains of all time, seconded only by Batman in terms of how varied and intriguing the overall Rogue's gallery proves to be. This is especially true for Lex Luthor, who is reimagined from a relatively well-meaning but egotistical antihero to a genuinely harrowing antagonist depending on what iteration of the character you happen to have caught. My Adventures With Superman has perhaps one of the most interesting versions of the villain in recent history, making the seeming setup of his first actual showdown against the Man of Steel himself all the more exciting.


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